April 19, 2012 ALL

Today: “Children at Play: An American History” presentation

Howard Chudacoff, Ph.D., the George L. Littlefield professor of American history and professor of urban studies at Brown University, will present “Children at Play: An American History” on Thursday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. in AD 226. In addition to discussing whether today’s children are over scheduled, Chudacoff will explore the tension between how children spend their free time and how adults want them to spend it.

The tension between how children spend their free time and how adults want them to spend it runs through his new book, Children at Play: An American History, like a yellow line smack down the middle of a highway.

This will be a stimulating speaking program that will include an interesting history on playgrounds, the advent of commercial toys, and toy advertising.

Please R.S.V.P. to Peter Corrigan at at peterjcorrigan@sbcglobal.net. For further information contact the History Department at extension 4773.

The lecture is sponsored by The Brown Club of Cleveland.