April 25, 2012 ALL

Today: Fair Trade Documentary

I wanted to take a moment to invite you to an event that will be held here, on campus, April 25, at 7 p.m. in AD 249! A group of students, myself included, are passionate about fair trade and the amazing impact it has on workers all over the world. With the principles of fair trade in mind, we are supporting a company called Alta Gracia (http://altagraciaapparel.com/). We will be screening a short documentary on Alta Gracia titled Tejid@s Junt@s, Stitched Together: an Alta Gracia Documentary.

The film is about Alta Gracia, the living-wage union-made clothing brand that is the product of 10 years of worker and student organizing! Alta Gracia, in the Dominican Republic, was, and continues to be, a huge step forward for the anti-sweatshop movement. This factory is the first of its kind in the world. This proves that it is possible to not only have a strong profit margin, but also treat your employees with respect, dignity, and give them and families a bright future.

There will be free food, drink, and temporary tattoos! And if you bring a gently used sweat shirt, three pairs of socks, or a hygiene kit (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo) you will be entered into a drawing for a free Alta Gracia sweat shirt!

If you would like more information on the documentary please visit the movie’s website or email me, Josh Eyre, at jeyre13@jcu.edu.