September 28, 2012 ALL

Today: Religion, Social Movements, and Protest in the Middle East

Join the Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies and the Tuohy Chair in Interreligious Studies for a panel discussion on the topics of religion, social movements, and protest and what roles they play in the Middle East. The panel will take place on Friday, Sept. 28, at 9:30 a.m. in the Donahue Auditorium of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology.

Chris Toensing, executive director and editor of the Middle East Review will be moderating our panel. The panel of scholars includes Khalid Medani of McGill University, Asef Bayat of the Univerity of Illinois, Jeannie Sowers of the University of New Hampshire, and Norma Moruzzi of the University of Illinois in Chicago.

For more information, visit the Nursi Chair’s website. Refreshments will be available after the event.