October 3, 2012 ALL

Today: Kossuth’s Message

“Kossuth’s Message,” a historical reenactment, is a “History Alive” sound and light live presentation to be held at JCU on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012, in the Administration Building, room AD 258, starting at 7 p.m.

“Kossuth’s Message” links a specific event in European history (the Revolutions of 1848-49) through the person of Louis Kossuth, the Governor of Revolutionary Hungary, with the pre-Civil War domestic struggles of the United States during Kossuth visit and speaking tour of the USA in 1851-52. His visit was a focal point in American popular and political life, coming in the midst of a pre-Civil War Constitutional crisis as Americans grappled with slavery and the nature of the Union. His tour had an important juncture in Ohio where Kossuth made a number of stops.

A questions/answer and discussion session will follow the live presentation. The program is free and open to all students, faculty, and everyone in the JCU community, as well as to the general public. Sponsors include several JCU departments as well as the Ohio Arts Council.