Faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to attend “Introduction to Federal Grants” presented by Lauren Steiner, president of Grants Plus, at 11:45 a.m. on April 23 in Dolan A202/203.
This lunch-time workshop will provide an overview of federal funding and will cover topics such as how to develop a federal proposal, factors of a successful proposal, writing tips, and what to expect if funded.
Contact Cathy Anson (extension 4520) to register for this session.
Lunch will be provided and will be available at 11:45 a.m.; the presentation will start at noon and is expected to last a little over an hour with an opportunity to ask questions and chat informally with the presenter. Handouts will be available from Grants Plus as well as information on the approval and submission process at John Carroll.
This workshop is offered by University Advancement and the Office of Sponsored Research.
Space is limited. R.S.V.P. early to reserve your spot. Get more information here.