September 9, 2014 ALL

Experience the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius

We invite you to personally experience the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in a special way during the coming academic year. Your commitment will involve two things:

  1. Daily prayer and meditation on scripture following the guidelines suggested by your “director.”
  2. An hour-long weekly meeting with your director, i.e., someone who will companion you on your journey with God, listening to how you encounter God in prayer and in the circumstances of your life, and giving you further direction for your prayer in the week ahead.

Two formats are offered:

  1. An eight-week commitment, beginning in late September/early October and ending in early December.
  2. A 30-week commitment, beginning in late September/early October and ending late April or early May.

Deadline for application: Friday, Sept. 19. For more information and/or an application form, contact