September 22, 2014 FAC/STAFF

University Leadership Council

The University Leadership Council (ULC) has been formed to advise our president, Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., and the vice presidents on significant planning, budgetary, and policy matters. ULC comprises approximately 20 leaders from across the University, including the chairs of Faculty Council and the newly formed Staff Council. ULC also serves as a way to facilitate two-way communications among our senior leaders. As part of their responsibilities, members are expected to disseminate information provided via their participation in ULC back to colleagues in their divisions/departments. ULC held its first meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 16, and will meet monthly during the fall and spring semesters. If you have any questions about ULC, please contact Executive Vice President Jerry DeSanto at or another member.

Members of the University Leadership Council include:

Provost and Academic Vice President
Executive Vice President
Vice President for Enrollment
Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President for University Advancement
Vice President for University Mission and Identity
General Counsel
Dean, Boler School of Business
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Dean of Students
Chair, Faculty Council
Chair, Staff Council
Assistant to the President for External Affairs
Assistant Vice President for Enrollment
Assistant Vice President for Advancement
Assistant Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Assistant Provost for Diversity and Inclusion
Associate Vice President for Facilities
Chief Information Officer
Director of Human Resources
Director of Budget and Financial Analysis
Executive Director of Communications