October 8, 2014 ALL

Today: Presentation and Info Session – JCU’s Spring Course on Ireland and Trip to Northern Ireland

Join us on Wednesday, October 8, at 8:00 p.m. in Rodman A for a presentation and informational meeting, featuring program alumni, Rory O’Neil ’05 and Dan Loya ’16, as well as Dr. Phil Metres and Dr. Richard Clark, Director of Peace, Justice and Human Rights. Learn why peace was so difficult to achieve, and how dedicated peacebuilding ended a 30 year-old conflict. The course, “Irish Literature, Film & Peacebuilding” (SP 2015: EN299A/51, MWF,10:00-10:50 a.m.), is a prerequisite for the spring trip, scheduled for either the end of May or June 18 – July 2, 2015 (tentative dates). For more information, contact Dr. Phil Metres, pmetres@jcu.edu, or Dr. Richard Clark, rclark@jcu.edu.