JCU Guts is a late night program held in conjunction with the Recreation, Intramural, Aquatics, and Club Sports offices. This massive on campus event starts at 10 p.m. and features competitions throughout the recreation center, pool, and student center. Modeled after the popular Nickelodeon television show from the 90s, JCU Guts consists of 5 different events in which each team will participate. As a four person team (two females, two males), each team will go through the different events tallying up points as the night goes on. The teams with the most points at the end of the night will go on to the final round in the quest for, as Mike O’Malley used to say, “An awesome piece of that radical rock, the Aggro-Crag!” There will be many other prizes and surprises so do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something bigger here on John Carroll’s Campus.