January 29, 2015 ALL

Campus Debate: “Resolved: That Armed Military Action is Immoral”

“Resolved: That Armed Military Action is Immoral”
A Civil Debate on the Ethics of Violence
Thursday, February 12, 5:30–7 p.m.
D.J. Lombardo Student Center, LSC Conference Room

This formal debate will attempt to explore the “tension points” around the ethical and moral questions of military violence in today’s world, while modeling the nonviolent process by which we can engage in reasoned, academic, passionate, civil, and loving disagreement on matters of great import.

Lt. Col. Eric Patterson, U.S. Army (ret.), director of veterans affairs and international services
Megan T. Wilson-Reitz, lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies
Moderated by John Scarano, director of Campus Ministry

Sponsored by The Program in Applied Ethics; The Program in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights; The Office of University Mission and Identity; Campus Ministry; The Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion; The Department of Theology and Religious Studies; and The Office of Veterans Affairs.

This event is free and open to the public.
For more information: http://sites.jcu.edu/campusministry/about/social-justice/non-violence-debate-retreat/