February 25, 2015 ALL

Renewing the Face of the Earth: Daily Reflections for Lent

Sign up for Ignatian Solidarity Network’s daily Lenten reflections here: http://ignatiansolidarity.net/lent/

This coming year, Pope Francis will release a much anticipated encyclical on care for creation.
We are looking forward to a faithful call on fighting climate change and protecting God’s creation. In preparation for the encyclical and Easter, we are offering a Lenten reflection series.

Authors from around the world will offer short reflections from their experiences of caring for creation and the day’s readings. These daily reflections will examine our faith and how we practice environmental stewardship. From celebrating World Water Day on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, to questions of climate change, we hope this Lenten reflection series will deepen our commitment to our faith and the promotion of justice. Sign up below for daily reflections sent right to your inbox. Daily reflections will also be posted on Facebook and Twitter. Please share this opportunity for faith and action with your friends and family!