April 7, 2015 ALL

Waitlisting Reminders

Please keep in mind the following when you are registering for and waitlisting courses:

• If you are checking the schedule of classes to check seat counts, DO NOT drop yourself from the waitlist when you see a seat open up. You must wait for the notification email in order to register.

• Waitlisted courses are not added to total credit or billing hours. You are NOT actually registered for these courses; you are in line for the next available seat.

• Waitlisting a course does not guarantee enrollment in the course; therefore, it is important to register as if you will not be able to enroll in a course for which you are waitlisted.

• If you intend to be a full-time student, please register for at least 12 hours so that your billing and financial aid statements can be accurately calculated. Full time status can also affect things like insurance coverage and eligibility for clubs or sports.

• You will have 24 hours from the time of the notification to enroll in the class section in BannerWeb. If you do not do so, you will be dropped from the wait list and the next student on the wait list will be offered the seat. You will not be notified that you have been dropped from the waitlist.

• Please be considerate of your fellow students. If you decide you no longer want a waitlisted section, please drop it, as you would drop an enrolled section.

For additional information and instructions, please visit the following site: