April 13, 2015 FAC/STAFF

Canvas Tip of the Week: Adding Atomic Learning Videos to a Course Module

Atomic Learning’s seamless integration with Canvas makes it easy for instructors to add instructional videos to their course modules. To get started, simply click on a module’s (+) button, then select External Tool from the drop-down menu that will appear. Select the Atomic Learning option, then click on the Add Item button to enable Atomic Learning for that particular module. This will generate an Atomic Learning link (which can can be renamed) that, when clicked, will take you to a search page with access to AL’s entire library. From here you can find and check-off the videos you’d like to add to the module. Click the Preview Selections button, then the Submit button, and that’s it! The selected videos will now be available to your students.

Would you like to learn more? Stop by the Center for Digital Media (CDM) on Tuesday, April 14, at 2:00 p.m. for a free cup of Starbucks and learn how Atomic Learning videos can be used to enhance student learning in your Canvas courses! This 60-minute session will include a webinar, hands-on demos, and a Q&A session.