June 30, 2015 ALL

Rehab a House with JCU Habitat for Humanity

Sign up now for an upcoming Habitat for Humanity build day for the “Pope Francis House”!

Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity to help rehabilitate a house this summer alongside other college and high school students, faculty, and staff! The next two work dates are in mid-July, and we are still looking for a few volunteers.

This unique and exciting opportunity comes from Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity and is exclusively available to Cleveland high schools and universities. The house we will be working on is located on W. 52nd Street in the Cleveland Stockyard neighborhood and will be fully rehabbed this summer. It has been named the Pope Francis House and honors the Pope for his commitment to social justice. It desires to engage high school and university student, faculty, and staff volunteers in particular to work towards a common goal of building and preserving families, neighborhoods, and homes.

All work days start at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m. Transportation to and from campus is provided. Volunteers are asked to provide their own lunch or work within a group to arrange a potluck.

There are limited spots available, so sign up soon! Volunteers are asked to sign up for a particular date only if you are available for the ENTIRE day of work.

In addition to the two mid-July dates, there is an early August date as well. Sign up for one, a couple, or all three!

• Tuesday, July 14
• Saturday, July 18
• Friday, August 7

Contact service@jcu.edu to sign up! Please include which date(s) you’d like to sign up for, and your cell phone number.