August 17, 2015 ALL

Footprints for Fatima Race

JCU’s 13th Annual Footprints for Fatima 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk is set for Saturday, October 3. This race is one of the featured events of JCU’s Homecoming and Family Weekend and is sponsored by the Arrupe Scholars Program.

For more information and to register online, please visit Online registration closes on Wednesday, September 30 at 5 p.m. Race-day registration opens at 9:00 a.m., and the race starts promptly at 10:00 a.m. The race begins and ends on Belvoir Blvd.

Footprints for Fatima raises money to benefit JCU’s Fatima Food Drive which supplies 125+ needy families with food during the holiday season.

The race offers:
– Race t-shirt (to first 150 registered runners or walkers)
– Prizes for top overall winners, students, faculty, alumni, and community members
– Music and entertainment
– Post-race refreshments and snacks

We hope to see you on October 3!