October 22, 2015 ALL

Halloween is Upon Us

It’s that time of year…. Halloween!

Most of us love it! Trick-or-treat, seeing the excitement in children, haunted houses, candy and dressing up in outrageous costumes. But it is important to remember that with all the fun comes responsibility and respect.

As the date approaches and parties start, I wish to take this opportunity to remind everyone that with the fun of the holiday comes respect and responsibility. Please keep the following in mind:

Gremlins, goblins, and ghosts are fine – traditional and fun

Sombreros, feathers, head wraps and painting your skin to look like another race – disrespectful and insensitive.

It is important to understand that we are at an institution of higher learning and that means we hold everyone to a higher standard. If you look in the mirror at your costume and it is designed to represents any group of people… Black, Indian, Hispanic or any derivation, it’s not cool.

The message to you: “Be Cool.”