A Supervisor’s Guide to Utilizing the Employee Assistance Program (EAP): An Employee Assistance Program is a special employee benefit provided by JCU to assist employees and their family members with personal, marital, family and job-related problems. Through employee seminars and individual assistance, the EAP can help with the prevention of problems by focusing on lifestyle planning, stress management, maintaining healthy relationships, and emotional wellbeing. The EAP can help employees identify and address potential employee problems before they become serious. This course trains supervisors how to effectively utilize the Employee Assistance Program as a tool to help address deficiencies in performance and behavioral based issues in the workplace. The goal of the EAP is to assist employees in achieving and maintaining happy, healthy and fully productive lives.
Trainers: Jinger Moore, M.S. Ed., PC (Impact Solutions)
Dates: January 14, September 14
Time: 11 a.m.-noon
Location: LSC Conference Room
Audience: Supervisory employees