Just a reminder, that all faculty and staff reimbursements will be processed as a part of Payroll and included in your paycheck as a nontaxable payment. Requests should be submitted to the Business Office in the same manner using the multi-voucher form (check request). Please download the form to make sure you are using the latest version.
Indicate if the request is for “Faculty/Staff,” “Student,” or “Other” using the checkbox under the Payee Section.
Reimbursements will be included in the next available pay period if they are received at least 10 business days before the scheduled pay date. Generally, reimbursements should be limited to expenses that cannot be paid for with the P-Card, such as mileage, tolls, moving expenses, etc. If you have any questions, please call Jean Tibbs at 216.397.4457.
Student reimbursements will continue to be processed by Accounts Payable.
In addition, A/P will resume weekly vendor invoice processing. Invoices must be coded, approved, and received in the Business Office by 2 p.m. Tuesday for the weekly check run.