November 14, 2016 STU

Delta Tau Derby Day

As Delta Tau Delta’s national philanthropy, JDRF has changed the face of Type 1 Diabetes, in hopes to make Type 1, Type None. To raise awareness and money for the cause, the Brothers of Delta Tau Delta invite you to join us for a “Night of the Races” themed event. Delta Tau Derby is a free admission event but a donation of $5-10 is strongly encouraged. For donating, you receive tickets to spend in different ways for the event. You can place your tickets in bowls for specific prizes, and to earn more tickets, you can play casino-style games to win more tickets. Join us for a fun filled night on Friday, November 18th from 6-9PM in the Dolan Science Center Atrium. If any questions, please contact Koary Lutz at

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