May 22, 2017 FAC/STAFF

Mission Monday

How do you live JCU’s mission?

Nicholas Santilli, Ph.D., associate provost, Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness, shares this reflection:

Our mission is my source of inspiration. I start each day reflecting on the work of the day. Where will I find consolation or desolation? Where will I find God in the details of the day-to-day? This moment of reflection centers me, pushes me to present my best self, to recognize we are all unfinished works in the act of becoming.

I try to keep in mind that every day is a shared journey. No one moves alone. My life is richer through accompaniment. I firmly believe our mission calls us to walk together. We need each other. At the end of the day I want to know that I made our common journey a moment of joy.

Consider sharing your 100-word reflection with the Mission & Advocacy Committee of Staff Council and look for it under the “Mission Monday” headline in Inside JCU. Contact Julie ( with questions. Submit your own reflection here:

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