August 28, 2017 FAC/STAFF

Mission Monday

How do you live JCU’s mission?

Megan Dzurec, Coordinator of Health Promotion and Wellness in Student Affairs, shares this reflection:

The mission of my family is simple — be kind to others and make good decisions. This, too, is my message to students and also the way I merge my personal passions into my work at JCU. When I think about student thriving, I visualize a spectrum on which our students learn and grow. As the mom of a kindergarten student, I try to acknowledge what my daughter does well, rather than what she lacks. This is no different than my interactions with JCU students! We all have room for improvement on that spectrum, and with every individual with whom I interact, I try to focus on the gifts rather than the deficits.

Consider sharing your 100-word reflection with the Mission & Advocacy Committee of Staff Council and look for it under the “Mission Monday” headline in Inside JCU. Contact Julie ( with questions. Submit your own reflection here: