Interested in being a Resident Assistant next year? Come to one of our information sessions:

Thursday, January 18 – 7:00pm in the Millor Hall First Floor Lobby
Thursday, January 18 – 8:15pm in the Pacelli First Floor Lounge
Friday, January 19 – 2:00pm in the Murphy Room in the DJ Lombardo Student Center
Saturday, January 20 – 3:00pm in the Murphy Hall Ground Floor Lobby
Sunday, January 21 – 1:00pm in the LSC Conference Room
Saturday, January 27 – 1:00pm in Administration Bldg 49

And don’t forget about the Resume Clinic on Monday, January 22 at 7:30pm in the Campion Classroom!

If you are going to an information session in a residence hall, there will be a Residence Life staff member to let you into the building.

Remember, you must attend an information session to be considered for the RA position!

Questions? Stop by the Office of Residence Life or reach out to your Area Coordinator.

**You do not need to be a student living on-campus in order to apply for the position.