March 17, 2018 STU

Today: JCU Pre-Pharmacy Event Coming Soon!

Attention JCU Students:

My name is Clayton Tindell and I am the financial officer of the JCU Pre-Pharmacy Club. I would like to extend an opportunity for your to discern your career path with the aid of the JCU Pre-Pharmacy Club. The club meets once per month to
discuss various topics. There is a pharmacy school visit to Duquesne and Pittsburgh Schools of Pharmacy and I would like to extend an invitation to you. If you would like join the club or just attend the pharmacy schools, please contact the JCU Pre-Pharmacy email listed below.


Clayton Tindell
Financial Officer of JCU Pre-Pharmacy Club

John A. Holton
President of JCU Pre-Pharmacy Club

Dr. David Mascotti
Advisor to Pre-Pharmacy Club

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!