September 28, 2018 ALL

Today: Join us for Discussion and Learning on Food Deserts and Inequality in Food Access

** Friday, September 28 | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. **
Discussion on inequality in access to fresh and healthy food & Dinner from Choolah Indian BBQ.

** Saturday, September 29 | 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. **
Service learning at Ohio City Urban Farm, a farm located in the heart of Ohio City, whose mission is to provide fresh food to under-served residents of Cleveland. Many of those who work at this farm are immigrants and refugees who were farmers in their home countries.

We will follow up with a reflection and lunch at Barraco Arepa Bar before return to campus.

Please contact to sign up for this event!

** This event is sponsored by CSDI and Global Ed **