CFCA: Carroll Faith Community for Athletes
CFCA is a unique opportunity for student-athletes at John Carroll University to grow in a faith community that strives to build upon personal reflection. This platform is for student-athletes to deepen their faith through prayer, Bible studies, and individual & group dialogue. CFCA will integrate faith, athletics, and the realities of a student-athletes’ everyday life. Student-athletes of all faith backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to join our community!
Meeting as an entire program (all athletes) will help our community and faith grow. At the first meeting we will discuss structure, organization, resources, and all things to get your team started!
Sunday – January 27 – All Athletes – GY102@ 7:45 p.m.
Sunday – February 24 – All Athletes – GY102 @ 7:45 p.m.
Sunday – March 24 – All Athletes – GY102 @ 7:45 p.m.
Sunday – April 28 – All Athletes – GY102 @ 7:45 p.m.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Luke Brown 412.508.9546 & Jack Burton 412.977.5353 if you have any questions, comments, and or concerns!