Spring Audition Pizza Get-Together and Auditions for BOTH spring shows are as follows (ALL EVENTS IN MARINELLO LITTLE THEATRE):
Wednesday, January 22, at 6PM–Informational Meeting and Pizza Get-Together, with auditions for Jesuspalooza AND The Importance of Being Earnest starting at 7PM and ending at 9PM.
Thursday, January 23, at 5-7PM–Second audition session for Jesuspalooza and Earnest.
Friday, January 24, at 3:30PM-5:30PM–Third session of auditions, with call backs included as needed.
You can audition at any session. You do not have to be there for all three or the full time. Let us know if you have class and have to come late or leave early.
You can audition for one or both shows.
Please come to the informational pizza meeting or any night of auditions to be considered as a backstage crew member, or email me, Karen Gygli at kgygli@jcu.edu.
More info on this spring’s productions and their dates:
Jesuspalooza is an original one-act play written and directed by senior English major and longtime theatre aficionado Jack Connelly. It takes a comic yet always respectful view of Jesus and his disciples as they come together and create a movement. Performance dates are February 20, 21 and 22 at 7:30PM, and February 23 at 2PM in Marinello Little Theatre. Needed are 10+ men and 2-3 women.
The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde’s fabulous comedy of manners and cucumber sandwiches, directed by Karen Gygli, will be performed on April 2, 3 and 4 at 7:30PM, and April 5 at 2PM in Marinello Little Theatre. Needed are 4-5 males and 4-5 females. Here is a link to an online script: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/844/844-h/844-h.htm
Backstage help needed!! If you are at all interested in working backstage on one or both shows, or if you have friends who would like to work backstage, please get the word out that we need running crews for both shows.