January 22, 2020 STU

Backpack to Briefcase Series: An Adulting Crash Course for Students

So you’re close to getting the job and the degree. But are you really ready for life after college?

There’s more to being independent and successful than just a degree and job title-and understanding your money is at the center of it all. This Backpack to Briefcase series is all about the financial tools, knowledge and skills you need to be your best self as you transition from college student to young professional.

Each crash course is built on three principles:

Personal – I will provide tools that allow you to apply the information and skills to your personal situation – not a case study or theoretical scenario.

Relevant – the topics selected for these crash courses are the results of a 2019 survey of dozens of college students

Action-based – not only will you be taking action on the topic live in the crash course, you’ll also determine next steps and short term goals for when you leave the session.

Register at http://bitly.com/JCUB2B for the 1st crash course on taxes January 29 at 5pm in Dolan E130. Use promo code JCU to save 50%

For further information, contact Doan Winkel in the Muldoon Center for Entrepreneurship at x4605 or dwinkel@jcu.edu