February 17, 2020 ALL

A Conversation About Immigration and the Bible

A Conversation About the Bible and Immigration hosted by Cru featuring Christy Staats:

In a time of intense polarization over immigration, how can we think about immigrants and immigration through the lens of the Bible? What is the intersection of Christianity with immigration? How can Jesus followers respond better in today’s political climate? Christy will explore some current conversations around immigration, some history, and look at what the Bible speaks to as we think about immigration through the lens of Scripture and how that can influence how we frame the conversation today. Join us this Wednesday, February 19th at 7 Pm in the Jardine Room.

Christy Staats works on the Bibles, Badges and Business coalition of the National Immigration Forum, a non-partisan immigration advocacy nonprofit that advocates for the value of immigrants and immigration to our nation. She grew up in Stow, Ohio and served overseas with Cru for 11 years, returning to help start Crossings on the request of her church, a multi-church ministry that serves refugees in the Akron area in partnership with other organizations. After four years of working with refugees, resettlement agencies, mobilizing and cross culturally training Americans to get involved in welcoming their new immigrant neighbors, she was invited to join the work of the Forum. Christy is finishing her Masters in Theology from Trinity International University.