April 10, 2020 FAC/STAFF

Instructional Design – Webinars & Training Sessions

Dear Faculty,

We have had several requests to discuss the essentials of building an online class. Today, we will release a three-part eZOnline series (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SREN8x6JiApF-7D8c99p_PdbmvCeUVBO/view) on creating an online/hybrid course. There are several standards to evaluating online courses. I am attaching a Tier1 evaluation (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p9FkfCtbjQUoMR3FByVin5AwUJ_kUtxL/view) we developed for the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan.

If you have a summer class, this is a great opportunity to get ready in phases.

We will also be holding two webinars on Getting Ready and a Mini Demo on Modules in Canvas Wednesday 4/8 @ 2 PM and Tuesday (4/14) @ 3 PM. Join us via zoom – https://johncarrolluniversity.zoom.us/MY/CENTREITY

For more in-depth training sessions, you can register at https://jcu.edu/its/training. Sessions offered next week:
* Introduction to Canvas (ZOOM Session)
* Canvas Quizzes (ZOOM Session)
* LearnIT: Creating Lecture Videos using Canvas Studio (ZOOM Session)
* Using Gradebook Effectively (ZOOM Session)
* LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor Webinar

Open Zoom Hours
Got questions about Canvas, Google, Qualtrics, Banner or any other tool? A technologist will be available for short, individual zoom-in consultations. We can provide on-the-spot answers, advice or referrals to other resources and trainings. Click on the link to sign up for the 30 minutes slot. jcu.edu/its/training

Have a joyful Easter,


Instructional Design Team
Information Technology Services
Email: instructionaldesign@jcu.edu
Zoom Link: https://johncarrolluniversity.zoom.us/j/3046391223
Website: jcu.edu/its