May 21, 2020 ALL

JCU is Moving to Canvas Studio from Kaltura

Following a successful pilot in fall 2019, JCU began the spring 2020 semester using Canvas Studio for media hosting in Canvas. The plan was to run Kaltura simultaneously with Studio for the next year to ease the transition. However, in an effort to be good financial stewards, we will not be renewing Kaltura. As a result, Kaltura will no longer be available after June 30th, 2020.

Why are we moving from Kaltura to Studio? Studio is built by the same company that brings us Canvas. As a result, Studio is better integrated with Canvas and easier to use while performing all the same functions as Kaltura. In addition, Studio provides the same functionality at half the annual expense of Kaltura.

What is Canvas Studio? Canvas Studio is a media tool that allows instructors to upload, create, edit, manage, share, and discuss audio and video files, very much like Kaltura. Existing files can be used or new ones can be created with Studio’s capture and editing tools.
For more info visit:

What’s happening with my files in Kaltura? JCU ITS is currently working with Canvas to transfer Kaltura videos into Studio. Instructors who have previously uploaded videos using Kaltura in Canvas will be able to access those recordings in their Canvas Studio portal. It is possible that previously used links or embedded videos may need to be updated in certain instances but Canvas will work to minimize any disruption.

What do we want you to do? Kaltura has been in use at JCU since the Summer of 2016 and one of the challenges is the accumulation of significant numbers of videos that are no longer needed. All of your Kaltura videos can be found in the “My Media” section of your account. If you have used Kaltura or Screen Capture in the past, please go into Canvas “My Media” and delete any videos that you no longer need. This is a good opportunity to do some housekeeping on the media server which will declutter your files as well as streamline the process of moving files to Canvas Studio.

How do I learn more about using Canvas Studio?
* View Canvas’s Studio user guides –
* Check our training site for upcoming demonstrations of Studio:
* Make an appointment with one of the CDM staff for hands-on training.

Please contact the IT Service Desk with any questions or concerns you have about this transition. Thank you for your cooperation as we streamline and improve video services within Canvas.

Information Technology Services