February is American Heart Month. In honor of promoting a heart healthy lifestyle, HEAL and Blue Streaks on the Run invite you to take part in a virtual step counting contest.
1.) On Tuesday February 23, 2021, be sure to wear any smart device (i.e. Apple Watch, Fitbit etc) to record the number of steps you take in the day. The individuals with the greatest number of steps in the 24hr period will be awarded an AMAZON GIFT CARD (prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place). This contest is open to all members of the JCU community as we hope to spread heart positivity with the entire campus.
2.) To claim your prize and meet the other walkers, join HEAL and Blue Streaks on the Run for a meeting on Wednesday February 24, 2021 via zoom at 7 pm. Additionally, proof is required (screenshot of proper date and number of steps) to win the competition. We hope that you are excited by this friendly competition and we hope to see you all at our meeting on 02/24/21 @ 7pm via zoom.