April 28, 2022 STU

Today: M + N Campus Connect

Maloney and Novotny are again hosting their summer leadership program, M + N Campus Connect on Tuesday, June 7! This program is a great way for college students to learn about their firm and experience all they have to offer!

This is the link to the program page is https://www.maloneynovotny.com/mns-campus-connect/

Develop Your Skills…
…Just the Beginning of a Great Career
At M+N, our business may be numbers, but our associates never feel like one. We’re a large regional accounting firm that values the success of our clients and the development of our employees. For 90 years, we’ve achieved both by building relationships that last. We’re always looking to foster young professionals interested in the world of public accounting. Opportunities to work with M+N are plentiful through summer leadership programs as well as internships. Our mentors are hands-on, helping to develop a solid skill set. But, we also want to inspire the values that are inherent in our firm’s culture: commitment, integrity, teamwork and the will to win. M+N offers opportunities throughout Northeast and Central Ohio. Explore the options to experience the culture of our firm and learn more about the field of public accounting. See why our team of more than 125 professionals and 4,200 clients find M+N to be like family. It could be just the beginning.

About Maloney + Novotny
Maloney + Novotny LLC is a firm of certified public accountants and business advisors
whose business is based on four core values: commitment, integrity, teamwork and the will to win. The result… unparalleled service and dedication to our clients. For more than 90 years, we have helped clients achieve financial success by providing attest, tax and advisory services, while building relationships that last. Locally owned. Independent. Decades of service. Currently representing more than 4,200 clients in a variety of industries. Our team of more than 125 professionals will personally invest in the best solutions to help your organization.

M+N Campus Connect
Summer Leadership Program
Save the Date – June 7, 2022, Cleveland, Ohio
One-day program, designed by and for young professionals
Experience firsthand the culture of our firm
Learn about the world of public accounting
Enhance your leadership and communication skills
Meet and network with M+N professionals from staff to
shareholder level
Gateway to internship/full-time position
To Apply:
Scan here or apply directly through your
school’s online job portal system.

M+N Internship Program
Work directly with all staff, including shareholders
Spring – January to April, 12 weeks
Summer – June to August, 10 weeks
Approximately 90% of M+N interns are offered full
time positions
As a full time staff, you can look forward to a stipend for the CPA
exam prep course, bonus program, time off for study and exam
days, and paid dues for continuing education.
To Apply:
Apply directly through your school’s online job portal system.