January 25, 2023 STU

Today: Want to have a say in where your Student Activities fee goes?

The Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC) is looking for student representatives committed to having a voice in planning, allocating, and voting on the Student Activity Fee (SAF) funds. SAFAC meets regularly throughout the Spring Semester to coordinate the SAF allocation process and to review policies and procedures. SAFAC presents recommendations regarding all matters pertaining to the SAF to the John Carroll Student Government Senate for approval.
Questions? Contact Jahiem Peake – jpeake24@jcu.edu

Application can be found at the following link and is due by January 27th! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1–E3slozNQJlmkllL7nFyku3cy8imjdZEj_vdNAsm_A/edit