August 21, 2024 FAC/STAFF

Institutional Effectiveness Newsletters

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness generates a number of email newsletters. I wanted to provide some information about them and allow you to subscribe if you want.

Quick Insights from IE: About once a month, I send out a data visualization showing how things at JCU fit into the larger trends in higher education.

Portents of Future Enrollment: Every Wednesday while students are registering for their next semester, I send out links to a suite of dashboards showing how many students are registered for courses and how many students have withdrawn (and the reasons they give for withdrawing).

Data Access Training Tidbits: My office maintains a number of dashboards on our (Tableau) Analytics server and controls access to Academic Performance Solution, an EAB dashboard. On Mondays during the fall and spring semesters, I send out the smallest possible unit of training (with text, screen shots, screen-capture video) to help you understand how to access, use, and understand these data resources.

Assessment Update: Assessment of student learning is an important way to ensure continuous improvement on campus and an expectation of our accreditors. On alternate Fridays during the fall and spring semesters, I provide a bite-sized bit of training on assessment plus share tips, resources, and success and disaster stories from across campus. (The other Fridays are a special newsletter just for department and program assessment coordinators.)

Accreditation Update: Once a month during the fall and spring semesters (possibly more often this year), I send a message designed to help educate campus about the accreditation process, so you can all know what the Higher Learning Commission will expect from us when they return in April!

If you do not currently receive a newsletter and would like to, please register here:

Direct questions to Todd Bruce, x1600,