January 26 – February 1, 2025, is Mission Week at John Carroll University. All are welcome to attend Monday’s Opening Mass, Tuesday’s Celebration of Service Award Ceremony and Wednesday’s Luncheon featuring Fr. Timothy Kesicki, S.J. ’84, as well as, each of the week’s other events and activities. Our theme this year, “Accompanying One Another Toward a Hope-filled Future”, points to the first of our three new mission priorities and is inspired by the Apostolic Preferences of the Jesuits. 7:00 PM Tuesday evening Fr, Kesicki, S.J. will discuss “Faith That Does Justice”. To learn about the week’s activities and events, and to register to attend, please visit jcu.edu/mission or use this link: https://www.jcu.edu/about-us/administrative-offices/office-mission-identity/programs/mission-week-2025
Mission Week is made possible by the Dean Brackley, S.J. Endowment