Looking for a new way to exercise and stay in shape? JCU Recreation is now offering a structured swimming workout through a new program called Group Swim. Instead of attending open swim by yourself, Group Swim is a way for individuals to swim together in community while completing a shared workout. This is not a competitive swim club or swim lessons, and some swimming experience is recommended.

Each session, a workout will be provided and the group will complete it together. It is up to each swimmer if they would like to modify their workout or do something entirely different. The overall goal is for individuals to come together through swimming while getting in a great workout.

Dates & Times:
– Mondays & Thursdays: 7-8pm during open swim
– Times are subject to change if open swim changes
– Group Swim will not take place on days with no open swim

Email recreation@jcu.edu with questions. We hope to see you there!