Join us for a panel about hot topic issues such as Immigration, Refugees, Sanctuary Cities, and DACA.
When: Wednesday, March 29, at 5:45 p.m.
Where: D.J. Lombardo Student Center, O’Dea Room
Food Provided.
Who: Panel includes Simran Kahai, Ph.D., JCU economics professor, who is an immigrant from India and active on a board that discusses immigration; Richard Clark, Ph.D., professor in the sociology and criminology department; Elizabeth Stiles, Ph.D., associate professor in the political science department; Kate Malone, manager of government and community relations for JCU, and Rev. Martin Connell, S.J., assistant professor in the Department of Education & School Psychology. The Event will be moderated by Donna Byrnes, associate dean of students. Gail Roussey, from Campus Ministry, is the backup moderator.
Why: To educate John Carroll students on one of the largest issues facing America.
Sponsors: Student Union, Office of Student Engagement, Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, Center for Service and Social Action, Campus Ministry, Government and Community Relations Office, Peace, Justice, and Human Rights Department.