The Penalty is a feature documentary film following three people with extraordinary experiences of America’s modern death penalty and goes behind the scenes of capital punishment’s most recent headlines. The film is directed by Will Francome (In Prison my Whole Life, Sundance 2008) and by Mark Pizzey (One for Ten, Raindance award winner).
Director Will Francome and representatives from OTSE (Ohioans’ to Stop Executions) will be present to participate in an audience discussion after the film.
Federal public defender Allen Bohnert, a pioneering attorney challenging Ohio’s lethal injection protocols, is featured in the film. Bohnert provided unprecedented access to film-makers as he attempted to stop the January, 2014 execution of Dennis McGuire. The execution did not go smoothly, resulting in a 3.5 year hiatus on executions which ended in July, 2017.
In light of the failed execution of Alva Campbell in November, 2017 and the scheduled execution of Raymond Tibbetts on February 13, 2018, “The Penalty” provides perspective for continued examination of the issue in Ohio.
The event will take place as follows:
Monday January 22, 2018, 7 PM to 9 PM
John Carroll University
D.J. Lombardo Student Center – Jardine Room
This event is co-sponsored by the JCU Departments of Sociology & Criminology, Political Science, and the Program in Peace, Justice and Human Rights; and by the Catholic Commission of Summit County, Diocesan Social Action Office. It is Free and Open to the Public.