August 1, 2018 FAC/STAFF

FEV – LEV Parking Lottery for Employees beginning on 8/6


JCU Parking is offering ten reserved parking spaces for FUEL EFFICIENT/LOW EMISSION VEHICLES (FEV/LEV) to employees. There are five spaces in the Pacelli Lot, and five spaces in the Carroll Extension Lot. These parking spaces are marked with signs reading: “Reserved Parking FEV/LEV, Permit Required”.

The JCU Parking Office will open the lottery on Monday, August 6th, 2018 to at 9 AM and will close on Monday, August 20th at 5 PM. The FEV permit is valid for one Academic Year (2018-2019). Each year there will be a lottery.

Winners will be notified on Wednesday, August 22th, and will be given a sticker for their parking permit signifying permission to park in the marked spaces.

The process for the lottery will be as follows:

 Please open the attached Vehicle Lottery Application (VLA)
 Review the link to determine if your vehicle is on the Fuel Efficient Vehicle (FEV) List
 If your vehicle is on the list, please complete the VLA form
 There are drop down boxes for the Make, Model, Year and Lot Choice.
 The FEV spaces on Auxiliary Drive are ONLY for JCU Seniors living in the dorms.
 An incomplete application will not be accepted
 This link will take you to the FEV / LEV page which has the map of the parking spaces, list of vehicles and the form for the lottery:

Thank you.
JCU Parking Office