The Community Building and Networking committee of the Staff Council would like to announce the winner of this year’s Homecoming & Family Weekend Door Decorating Contest sponsored by Staff Council!
First place goes to B Wing: Registrar’s Office, Global Ed, CAS Deans’ and CAS Grad Studies on their winning door! They win a complimentary breakfast for their department! The two Honorable Mention prizes go to the Vice President for Student Affairs Office and the Office of Residence Life.
Thank you to all participating offices/departments for your participation in this contest this year: Athletics, B Wing (Registrar’s Office, Global Ed, CAS Dean’s and CAS Grad Studies), Boler Professional Development, Business Office, Cashier’s Office/Carroll Card, Center for Career Services, Center for Service and Social Action, Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion, Classical and Modern Languages & Cultures, Legal Affairs, Nonprofit Administration, Psychology, Residence Life, Signature Scholars Program, Vice President for Student Affairs, and WJCU. Your enthusiasm, creativity, and support contribute to a positive JCU spirit during this special weekend. Check out the pictures of all participating doors on the Staff Council website by the end of this week!