The Don Shula Chair in Philosophy is pleased to invited you to a lunchtime discussion (lunch will be provided):

The One Serious Philosophical Problem: A Debate Regarding the Intersection of Millennial/Generation Z Conditions and Personal Mental Health

Abstract: Joseph Stradiot and Oliver Golias discuss the socioeconomic situations of Millennials and members of Generation Z and how these conditions effect the mental health of these individuals. Looking at concrete examples of university students as well as middle school/high school students, these philosophers show how the harmful mental states and outlooks of these generational groups are linked to real social and economic conditions particularly within first world countries. They then debate how to attempt a solution to these issues on an individual level using the works of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Camus as proof for the former statements and inspiration for potential solutions. Using an existentialist approach, these two present an attitude of authenticity and overcoming to confront these generational issues within individual lives.
(Warning: A frank discussion of mental health issues.)

Wednesday, March 27th, 11:30-1pm, AD29.
All are welcome. Lunch will be provided.

For further information, contact Dr. Simon Fitzpatrick, Don Shula Chair in Philosophy:, x4765.