JCU Recreation is excited to announce the grand opening of the Corbo Fitness Center on Monday, October 5, at 12:00 PM! Our newly renovated facility features added space, upgraded technology, and brand new cardio and strength equipment to meet a variety of health and wellness needs. We will be giving away various prizes throughout next week, so be sure to stop by and visit us!
Below are important details about our facility operations. For a complete guide of our COVID-19 safety and cleaning procedures, please visit the JCU Recreation website (https://jcu.edu/student-life/health-wellness-and-safety/recreation).
– Monday-Friday: 12:00-7:00 PM
– Saturday-Sunday: 12:00-4:00 PM
During the Fall 2020 semester, only current JCU students, faculty/staff, and retirees with an active Carroll Card may use recreation facilities. Alumni, faculty/staff spouses and dependents, Courtesy Card holders, community members, and guests are not permitted. All users must swipe in with their Carroll Card, complete a temperature screening, and show a “Good-To-Go” confirmation on the #CampusClear app for that day before entering. In-person options for the #CampusClear app are available for those without a smartphone.
Beginning October 5, the Corbo Fitness Center will be the only open facility. All other JCU Recreation facilities will be closed. It will have limited capacity, and equipment has been modified to meet physical distancing guidelines. Locker rooms are open as changing spaces and restrooms only, but individual lockers and showers are closed.
Most equipment has been spaced to meet physical distancing guidelines and will be available for use. However, every-other treadmill will be offline each day due to space constraints. No equipment is available for checkout, but you are encouraged to bring your own fitness mats, small weights, bands, etc.
In compliance with university guidelines and recommendations from the American Council on Exercise (ACE), face coverings are required at ALL TIMES. This includes before, during, and after active-exercise and when moving about our facilities.
– Face covering
– Carroll Card
– #CampusClear app (in-person options available for those without a smartphone)
– Water bottle (only bottle fillers are available)
If you have any questions, please email recreation@jcu.edu. We also encourage you to follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@jcurecreation) for continued updates. Thanks, and we can’t wait to see you!