Bring your questions and join the Women’s and Gender Studies faculty for tea/coffee, pastries, and conversation on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 2:15-3:15 in OC 112.
Continue reading this storyThe American Red Cross Blood Drive, sponsored by the Department of Military Science, will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 22 and Jan. 23, 2014, from noon to 7 p.m. in the Murphy Room. Donors coming to the blood drive will receive a coupon for a free Chipotle burrito.
Continue reading this storyThe Tim Russert Department of Communication and Theatre Arts is pleased to announce that auditions for the Spring Marinello One-Acts are being held this week! The dates and times for the auditions are Tuesday, Jan. 21, from 7-10 p.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 3-5 p.m.; and Thursday, Jan. 23, from 7-10 p.m., all in Marinello Little Theatre, above the bookstore in the Lombardo Student Center.
Continue reading this storyThe Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion presents Stefan Bradley, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of History, Saint Louis University, and author of “Harlem vs. Columbia University: Black Student Power in the Late 1960s.” He will be speaking onWednesday, Jan. 22, at 6 p.m. in the Donahue Auditorium.
Continue reading this storyDuring the Blood Drive on Jan. 22 and 23 in the Murphy Room, representatives from Be The Match Registry® will be present to explain their bone marrow donor program and to interest people in signing up for the registry. Be The Match Registry® is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to creating an opportunity for all patients to receive the marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant they need, when they need it.
Continue reading this storyReconnect with your Christian Life Community, or sign up to join one for the first time on Monday, Jan. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Underground. We’ll reflect together on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and think about how meeting in small faith communities can help us work for justice in the world. Delicious desserts will be served!
Continue reading this storyThe University will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Because of this, there will not be a Mass at 12:05 p.m.
Continue reading this storyAll on-campus dining locations will have adjusted hours for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Get the schedule here.
Continue reading this storyMark your calendars for this Saturday, Jan. 18, to show off your special talent to audition for Beta Theta Pi’s “Carroll’s Got Talent!” Auditions will be held in the LSC Conference Room from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Continue reading this storyJoin us for an evening of crafting on Friday, Jan. 17, at 10 p.m. in the Jardine Room! Supplies and directions for three different projects will be available for you. Come with friends or come to meet new people as we start the spring semester.
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