Condoleeza Rice and Martin Luther King, Jr. both started college at the age of 15.
Continue reading this storyAs part of an historic trip to Mexico, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass at the border with the United States as a way to pray for immigrants and refugees.
Continue reading this storyJoin our Department of Liturgical Music and Musical Arts, and the Gesu music staff for an evening program of reflection and music in the tradition of Taize.
Continue reading this storyIntergroup dialogues are face-to-face meetings between members of at least two different social identity groups and should provide an opportunity for open and honest conversation about race.
Continue reading this storyThe Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland is sponsoring two $7500 scholarships for JCU students to attend the National University of Ireland Galway during 2016-2017.
Continue reading this storyStop by for chocolate kisses, a hand stamp, and kindness/solidarity buttons.
Continue reading this storyCampus Ministry is offering a Lenten lunch series centered on the book, Mercy in the City.
Continue reading this storyPlease join Alpha Omega for Stations of the Cross at 4:45 p.m. in St. Francis Chapel.
Continue reading this storyAlyse will share her own experiences through a speech specifically tailored to the John Carroll University community, including topics like the mental illness stigma and identifying or acknowledging symptoms of anxiety and depression, and conclude with an open discussion.
Continue reading this storyThe Staff Council will be convening its third All-Staff Meeting on Wednesday, February 17, at 2 p.m. in the Donahue Auditorium.
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