April 24, 2014 ALL
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams – Now at the Inn Between!

The Inn Between will now be selling Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams! Stop by and try a local favorite – made in Columbus, Ohio!

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April 24, 2014 ALL
2nd Annual African American Alliance Cookout

On Sunday, April 27, join the African American Alliance for their annual cookout right outside of the D.J. Lombardo Student Center at 3 p.m. There will be grilled food, music, and tons of fun!

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April 24, 2014 ALL
Tonight: Candles on the Quad

Tonight, luminaries will light the way around the Quad with prayers for how we can “live the mission” individually and together at JCU. Be on the lookout for paper bags in the LSC Atrium which you can label with your prayers to help create our luminaries for this event. Join CLC for a short prayer service tonight at sunset (8:18 p.m.) and an opportunity for self-guided reflection at different spiritual sites around campus.

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April 24, 2014 FAC/STAFF
R.S.V.P. Today for the Final Lunch of the Vocation Coordinating Committee

Today is the final day to R.S.V.P. for the final lunch of spring 2014 of the Vocation Coordinating Committee, sponsored by the Center for Service and Social Action. The lunch will be held on Thursday, May 1, at noon in Dolan A202/A203. The committee will present on resources for vocational discernment. Lunch is provided for this presentation.

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April 24, 2014 ALL
Berlin Study Tour Spring Break 2015

Travel to Berlin during Spring Break 2015 and earn three credit hours by taking PO 351 or HS 332. There is an information meeting today, Thursday, April 24, at 4:30 p.m. in OC 112.

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April 24, 2014 ALL
Spring Break in Baroque and Jesuit Rome 2015

If you are interested in taking a course titled “Rome and the Word of Wonder: Baroque Literature and Art” and spending 10 days in Rome during Spring Break 2015, come to a meeting on Wednesday, April 30, at 2 p.m.

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April 23, 2014 ALL
End-of-Semester Reminders from the Writing Center

With the end of the semester approaching, you probably have a few big projects or papers coming up. Remember that the consultants at the Writing Center are available to help you on any writing assignment for any class, and at any point in the writing process!

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April 23, 2014 FAC/STAFF
Today: TIAA-CREF Rep on Campus

A representative from TIAA-CREF will be on campus Wednesday, April 23, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. in Room 124, Rodman.

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April 23, 2014 FAC/STAFF
Today: Immersion Faculty/Staff Info Session

Attention faculty and staff members: are you interested in accompanying students on an immersion experience? Come to an information session for faculty and staff to learn of available opportunities and the expectations for those serving in this role. Sessions will be held from noon–1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23, in the Faculty Lounge and Wednesday, April 30, in the O’Dea Room. Lunch will be provided at both sessions.

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April 23, 2014 FAC/STAFF
Help Create a Safer Campus – Take the Campus Safety Survey

In a continuing effort to provide a safe environment for the entire campus community, the John Carroll University Police Department (JCUPD) would appreciate your participation in this short survey. The information gathered will be used to evaluate our services, to identify community concerns and expectations regarding safety, and to enhance the safety and quality of life at JCU.

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