Join Late Night at Carroll and CarrollCAN for an evening at Build-A-Bear and make a bear for a child who is attending programming at The Gathering Place, a caring place for those touched by cancer.
Continue reading this storyInterested in joining a group people passionate about different issues of social justice? Love solidarity?
Continue reading this storyOctober 22 has been designated as the memorial for St. John Paul II.
Continue reading this storyThe Student Union will host nominations for the Executive Board at the Student Union Meeting on Tuesday, October 21 at 5:00 p.m. in the Jardine Room.
Continue reading this storyExplore Beijing, the capital of modern China, during Spring Break 2015.
Continue reading this storyJoin campus minister Anne McGinness over lunch to talk about her time in Bolivia working with Sister Mary Damon Nolan, a Franciscan nun and educator dedicated to eliminating poverty.
Continue reading this storyJoin the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion for a lecture by Yusef Komunyakaa, an American poet who teaches at New York University and is a member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. in Donahue Auditorium.
Continue reading this storyCome see comic duo Drew Lynch and Samuel Comroe in the LSC atrium at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, as they perform as a part of JCU’s Diversity Week!
Continue reading this storySchott Dining Hall will feature the third annual Global Family Dinner. Celebrate our international campus with food, music, and raffle prizes, thanks to support from the JCU Mandel Grant.
Continue reading this storyAll are invited to join in as JCU Professors Hahnenberg and Zeki Saritoprak discuss the importance of Jesus in their religions and in their lives.
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