JCU is a polling place on campus this Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Get involved by volunteering as a host for the polling place or host a bake sale as a fundraiser for your student organization.
Continue reading this storyThe Jardine Room in the Lombardo Student Center will be serving as a polling location on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013. Polling hours are from 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Continue reading this storyLooking to get more involved? Interested in learning more about the Office of Alumni Relations and what our 40,000+ alumni have to offer? Come to the Student Alumni Association informational meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. in the Alumni Lounge (3rd Floor Rodman Hall).
Continue reading this storyOur Kulas Grant for Fine Arts enables the Office of Student Activities to purchase 23 tickets for the 7:30 p.m. performance of “Once” at the Palace Theatre on Saturday, November, 16.
Continue reading this storyIf you are interested in registering for PL 388: Philosophy of Love and Sex, please attend a brief information session in the Philosophy Department conference room (B-08), located in the basement of the Administration Building (Annex), near the O’Malley Center. At the meeting, you will learn more about the goals of the course, the subjects we will explore, and what is required of you.
Continue reading this storyThe American Advertising Federation (AAF) of Cleveland will sponsor an on-campus Meet & Greet event for JCU students interested in career and scholarship opportunities in marketing and communications. The event will be held in SB 107 from 6-7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6. Free pizza will be provided!
Continue reading this storyTuesday is a big night for Student Union! Join us on Tuesday Night at 8 p.m. in the Atrium, where current President Kim Rossi will present her State of the Union address, the current candidates for Executive Board will present their platform statements, and the two candidates for Student Union President will engage in answering questions from the audience.
Continue reading this storyThe Economics Association Club will be meeting on Thursday, November 7 at 5 p.m. in the Boler School of Business Room 118. All majors are invited to participate in planning future activities, outings, speakers and service opportunities.
Continue reading this storyJoin the African American Alliance on Wednesday, Nov. 6, for the third annual Open Mic Night! The show starts at 7 p.m. in the LSC Atrium.
Continue reading this storyDuring the week of Nov. 4, Grasselli Library joins libraries across the state in documenting daily life in Ohio libraries. Help us by using your camera or phone to capture photos of the library, it’s space, its staff, its resources and its services.
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