The Academic Affairs Committee of the Student Union will be in the LSC atrium today, Wednesday, March 1, from 5:00 to 6:30 to hear what students think about the imminent elimination of the Arabic language program.
Continue reading this storyToday is the last day to register for Spring Break housing. Residence Halls will be open March 4-12, but you must register online by today to stay over the break. Halls close to those not registered at 7 p.m. on March 3 and reopen on March 11 at noon.
Continue reading this storyThe Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland is making two $7,500 scholarships available exclusively to John Carroll students who will be studying abroad in Galway in 2017-2018. The completed scholarship application is due on Friday, March 17, 2017. You must also apply to study abroad for Fall 2017 by March 1, 2017.
Continue reading this storyWednesday, March 1, is the beginning of Lent and there will be three Masses, which will include Distribution of Ashes at 12:05 p.m., 5:05 p.m. and 9 p.m. in Saint Francis Chapel.
Continue reading this storyDue to other events scheduled March 1, we are rescheduling our Open House Catering Expo from March 1 to April 5.
Continue reading this storyAttention students: Join JCU’s Investment Club from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, in BR 33 of the Boler School of Business as we welcome our next guest speaker, Wade Massad.
Continue reading this storyHave you been uplifted and inspired by your Carroll Faith Communities (CFC) experience? Would you like to provide the opportunity to lead a group of students as they process college life and their faith? Apply to be CFC leader.
Continue reading this storyJoin the JCU Student Union Residence Life Committee as we improve living on campus. Meeting is Wednesday, March 1, at 2 p.m. in the Student Union Office.
Continue reading this storyThe Class of 2021 Celebration, our flagship undergraduate admission event, will be held on Saturday, March 25. We encourage you to be a part of this event. You can confirm your attendance to be on campus and share breakfast (9-10 a.m.) and/or lunch (noon-2 p.m.) with our admitted students and their families by emailing Joel Mullner, associate director of enrollment, at
Continue reading this storySign up to be a buddy for Danie’s Day on Saturday, April 8! Space is limited so register today.
Danie’s Day is a special event in memory of Danielle Rose, Class of 2015. Danielle was an Arrupe Scholar, whose passions were rooted in helping children, like her sister, April, who has Down syndrome.