September 26, 2012 STU
Today: Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures Meet Your Major event

The Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures welcomes all students to explore the opportunities of a major or minor in languages during Meet your Major on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 4:30-5:30 p.m. in Room 226, Administration Building.

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September 26, 2012 STAFF/STU
Today: Campus Safety Forum

Please attend the Campus Safety Forum on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 p.m. in the Jardine Room of the D.J. Lombardo Student Center for an update on crime statistics, the mutual aid agreement with University Heights Police Department, and progress made in implementing a more comprehensive campus policing model (including arming campus police officers) to enhance the safety and security of all community members.

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September 26, 2012 STU
Today: College Democrats meeting

This will be a meeting for the Democrats of John Carroll and those unsure about their party- we’ll talk about our ideas, how to get involved, registered to vote, and the election. The meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Bruening Hall 32.

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September 25, 2012 STAFF/STU
Today: Faithful Citizenship – Election Year

The Church of the Gesu is hosting “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, Living Our Faith, Loving Our Neighbor in an Election Year (and Beyond)” Tuesday, Sept. 25, 7 p.m. All are welcome to this presentation about election year issues from a Catholic perspective.

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September 25, 2012 STAFF/STU
Today: German-language coffee hour

Join our Dortmund University exchange students and other German speakers for an hour of German language conversation on Tuesday, September 25, from 4:30-5:30pm in OC139. All language levels are welcome and light refreshments will be provided.

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September 24, 2012 STAFF/STU
Today: The Shula Lecture Series in Philosophy

The Shula Lecture in Philosophy presents Chloe Taylor, Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy and women’s studies at the University of Alberta, on Monday, Sept. 24, at 5:30 p.m. in the Donahue Auditorium of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology. Taylor will speak on Infamous, Men, Dangerous Individuals, and Violence Against Women: Feminist Rereadings of Foucault.

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September 23, 2012 STU
Today: Fraternity recruitment information night and social on Sunday

For all men interested in joining a fraternity, a social will be held on Sunday, September 23, on the quad at 6:15 p.m. with a special (edible!) treat. An informational session will follow at 7 p.m. in the LSC Conference room.

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September 21, 2012 STU
Today: Late Night at Carroll presents: Hayride and bonfire at Patterson’s Fruit Farm

Join Late Night at Carroll for a hayride and bonfire at Patterson’s Fruit Farm on Friday, Sept. 21.

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September 20, 2012 STU
Today: Have you ever asked yourself “What can I do with a history major?”

Interested in majoring or minoring in history but don’t know what you”ll do with it after graduation? Join us for refresments on Thursday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in AD 225 and hear four recent John Carroll University graduates, now in a variety of careers, tell their stories.

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September 20, 2012 STAFF
Today: Office Yoga

Come join us for an hour of Office Yoga on Thursday, September 20, at noon in Rodman A (2nd floor of Rodman Hall). The session will include gentle movements and stretches, focused breathing practices, and guided relaxation (can be done while seated in a chair).

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