July 16, 2012 ALL

Today: Re-paving work beginning Monday, July 16

Starting Monday, July 16, the parking lot and drive lanes of the Auxiliary Drive parallel to the Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center will be closed for re-paving. Parking for the O’Malley Center, Sutowski Hall, and Rodman Hall will be accessible by entering off of Miramar Boulevard at Rodman Drive.

Traffic in the Dolan Science Center west parking lot will be able to exit onto Miramar Boulevard should parking for the O’Malley Center, Sutowski Hall, and Rodman Hall be necessary. Deliveries to the Library will need to be made thru the front doors of the Library as the Library loading dock will be inaccessible.

This project is anticipated to be completed by Tuesday, August 7. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact Rich Bretz at extension 4313 or rbretz@jcu.edu with any questions or concerns.